Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First Reunion I Remember

The recent reunion reminded me of the very first small reunion I remember, which happened about 1948 or 1949, when I was about four years old or five. My mother had been very sick with some seisures that seemed like epilepsy and some pneumonia due to her asthma attacks. When she was well enough to write, she wrote some telegrams and sent my father to the telegram office. She notified all her relatives to come and see her before she died.
Soon everyone started arriving. My uncles Donato, Fortunato and Maximo arrived with some of the members of their families from Rio Grande City. My uncle Fortunato even brought a calf or some animal to provide food for everyone. They quickly made changes in ou outside fire to accomodate roasting the animal.
My cousin Ernesto and his family arrived from Kenedy, Texas. That was the first time I met my cousins, Olivia, Ofilia, Ofelia, Odilia, but Orselia was not born yet.
My uncles, Nazario and Fabian arrived with their families too. They all stayed some days but realized my mom was okay and then left. There was a lot of storytelling and eatting and drinking among all those visiting. Thank goodness the weather was beautiful and there was plenty of shade under the trees and the huge arbor so that everyone camped out. It became a small family reunion. I guess it was when my mother started bickering with some of them that they all realized she was not going to die.
Later she pulled that same stunt on them and again they all came and we had a great time, but the third time she send them telegrams, they all decided to wait and just come for the funeral if needed.

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