There was a time in my mother's life when she had some seizures that seemed like epileptic seizures but may not have been. Doctors were unable to diagnosis what the trouble was and it eventually worked itself off and she had other problems but not the seizures.
It was a scary time for me, because I was a small child and when these seizures happened when she and I were alone, I knew the drill well---run to the back fence and scream to a neighbor across the street. She then came over to be in charge after calling the ambulance for my mother to be taken to the hospital and she would stay with me until someone else or my father came home. I must say the neighbors were very helpful to our situation, but it was still very scary to me at that age.
I still have a big question in my mind about this time. What was it that my mother actually see just before she had these seizures? I guess we will never know for sure.
My mother used to say that she would see the face of a woman coming towards her, getting closer and closer until she passed out! I remember that just before a seizure she would start praying and staring at an area in front of her and she would as for water. Sometimes the prayers and the water she drank seemed to do the trick and she would be all right after a while and sometimes she would go into a seizure, falling on the floor and biting her tongue and bleeding,
It was a hair-raising experience for me, because I could feel my mother was seeing something or someone and the worst part was that I could feel a presence, an entity and I could feel how it got closer to her. Even now more than 60 years later, I still feel my hair on the back of my neck.
Besides going to the doctors, my mother tried to get all the help she could get. I remember that one day we went to a psychic healer in Edinburg. I don't remember her name or title, but I do remember the house we went to talk to her. It was a simple wooden house in a regular hispanic neighborhood. It seemed to be a one room house and the waiting area was separated from her inner area with a curtain that was a huge American flag. It seemed to look very impressive. There were many people in the waiting area, but we eventually made itr into the inner area. I don't remember details about the woman, but I do remember most of what she said and I do remember she had what I recognized as Catholic altars all around with many images and statues.
I do not remember if ashe was reading cards, but she did have a lot to tell my mother. She told her that a woman had done some witchcraft on her because the woman wanted my father. According to the healer, the woman had gone to the cemetery and stolen some human bones and after doing her spells and things had buried them under my mother's front steps. She even told my parents that they had later built a cement area where the steps had been but the bones had stayed under the doorway into our home. She gave instructions as to how to get rid of this evil bones. My father was supposed to dig them out and she said that the bones had decomposed into some yellow matter that looked like rust, which he was supposed to remove and burn thoroughly without my mother being near.
I still remember my father, destroying the cement steps and digging out the rusty dirt and removing it from the area, but for some reason he did not burn it. A few months later, my mother was showing my father where to plant a new tree in our back yard, and accidentally back her leg into a bushel basket holding some trash and cut the back of her leg with a big broken piece of window glass. The cut was huge, about 4 inches long and just about as deep and had to go to her doctor after hours to get it sewn up. They later realized that that was the place my father had left the rusty dirt that was supposed to be bones. Who knows how much was true but i do remember it the way it happened? Was it witchcraft?? Who knows for sure?
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